Scott Alexander Motivational Mixes - December

Keep in the winners zone 


When they doubt you, keep your mind strong. Winners focus on winning, losers focus on winners....... 

Know this, If your not failing ur not taking part . I expect failure. I plan for failure . I conditioned my mindset that I will fail every day. When I fail there are only two possible resolutions. Quit ( id rather die) or get back up ; dig deeper , work harder and come at it again with more speed , more power and more fight. If it drops me again , I get more stubborn , more motivated ... I know that I must improve in order to win ; when I fail it tells me I am in the right fight , and I've fought all my life for what I want. There is no time out , it's been called ON and I am here to take what I want from life ... I don't want "if I only " .. I demand "I made it happen ... Never be afraid to fail .. Fear talking and not doing...

Enjoy my pick of motivational mixes for a  "strong mind"